Monkey May, Monkey June, Monkey July, and August Monkey

cordially invite you to sample, and then to purchase, stories from the book of our lives,


Just The Fur Of Us: Tales From the Thousand and One Monkeying Nights

Illustrated episodes from the lives of four urban chimpanzees ( Stories for grown-up children )

Click on the titles below to visit samples of these stories:

How Monkey June Painted the Portrait of the Pope

How August Monkey Appeared and June and July Got Sprung

The Monkeys on Sixth Street, or, Barred From Raj

August Monkey at the Russian Baths, or, Steam of Consciousness

The Monkeys Go to the Zoo

The Monkeys in New Haven, or, The Monkeys Go Generic

The Monkeys Celebrate Independence Day; or, July�s Birthday Party

The Monkeys� Guide to New York City Restaurants, or, Five Ripe Bananas

Monkey July Puts on a Play; or, The Zebra and the Flea

We welcome your comments and queries. Write to us

individually and collectively at


Brief Biographies:

Monkey May, simian former waitress and aspiring owner of fur-cutting salon ( address above )

Monkey June, world-famous primate painter ( address above )

Monkey July, June's agent, restaurateur, merry prankster ( address above )

August Monkey, progressive lawyer for all downtrodden primates ( address above )

Anna, human artist-illustrator ( address above )

Ned, human writer and biographer of ape lives ( address above )

   Just the Fur of Us episodes currently shown here (in small part) and available for purchase in fully illustrated booklet-form include black and white versions, black and white versions with artist�s spots of color, full-color-copy versions, and artist�s fully hand-colored versions, with prices covering postage and handling, as follows.

1. �How Monkey June Painted the Portrait of the Pope� (18 pp): Black and white: Price upon request; Black and white with artist�s spots of color: Price upon request; Full-color copies: Price upon request.

2. �How August Monkey Appeared and June and July Got Sprung� (36 pp): Black and white: Price upon request; Black and white with artist�s spots of color: Price upon request; Full-color copies: Price upon request.

3. �The Monkeys on Sixth Street, or, Barred From Raj� (16 pp.): Black and white: Price upon request; Black and white with artist�s spots of color: Price upon request; Full-color copies: Price upon request; Hand-colored artist�s original book: Price upon request.

4. �August Monkey at the Russian Baths, or, Steam of Consciousness� (20 pp.): Black and white: Price upon request; Black and white with artist�s spots of color: Price upon request; Full-color copies: Price upon request.

5. �The Monkeys Go to the Zoo� (32 pp.): Black and white: Price upon request; Black and white with artist�s spots of color: Price upon request; Full-color copies: Price upon request.

6. �The Monkeys in New Haven; or, The Monkeys Go Generic� (43 pp.): Black and white: Price upon request; Black and white with artist�s spots of color: Price upon request; Full-color copies: Price upon request.

7. �The Monkeys Celebrate Independence Day; or, July�s Birthday Party� (16 pp.): In July 2001 dual issue of fan zine Intense City; black and white zine only: $2.

8. �The Monkeys� Guide to New York City Restaurants, or, Five Ripe Bananas� (14 pp.): Individually hand-colored and hand-bound artist�s original books only: Price upon request.

9. �Monkey July Puts on a Play; or, The Zebra and the Flea�(18 pp.): In the dual publication Double-Circus Story-Book; paperback book only: $6.

Also available is an audio cassette containing a public reading of five full stories ( 1,3-6 ), with illustrated cover. Price upon request.

Prices include handling and U.S. domestic postage ( book rate when possible ). Foreign purchasers should write to the postal or e-mail address listed elsewhere on this site for information on international orders.

Payment should be made in check or money order payable to

Anna H. Walter.

Allow three to five weeks for delivery ( if ordering from within the U.S. ).