The Monkeys in New Haven, or, The Monkeys Go Generic: A story from Just The Fur Of Us: Tales From the Thousand and One Monkeying Nights

The four chimpanzees known as The Monkeys were shopping at a huge supermarket with their good human friends Anna the painter and Ned the writer. That is, The Monkeys were telling Anna and Ned what to buy for them. They were being quite bothersome, as usual. They scooted up and down the aisles for a while, scurried between the legs of shoppers, pulled a baby halfway out of her stroller, hurled themselves between shopping carts, picked up some bananas, and then returned to tag along. They noticed Ned and Anna looking over the Thanksgiving turkeys and comparing prices. "This one is cheaper," said Anna. "Let's get it," said Ned immediately. "It's the generic brand," Anna said. The Monkeys' ears pricked up. "But it's not as good as this brand; this is the top name in turkeys." "What is a generic brand?" asked May, opening, though she did not know it, what was to be a veritable Pandora's box. "That's the store brand," said Anna. Ned and Anna kept looking at the turkeys while The Monkeys began to look at each other in puzzlement.

After a minute, August asked, "Anna, if `generic' refers to a general sort or brand--as my legal training tells me--how can a generic brand be specifically a store brand?" "That's right," put in Ned. And the other Monkeys chimed in, screeching, "That's right. How can it be a store brand and a generic brand at the same time? We don't understand; we're confused." Anna was very patient, for the moment. She tried to explain: "The store brand is generic because it's not manufactured under the name of an outside company, with advertising or decorated packaging." "Wait a minute," said July. "This turkey, which you say is generic, has a red, white, and blue logo on it. You said generic has no decoration." "I meant highly decorated," said Anna. "Your father was highly decorated in the war," said July, "but that doesn't help us."

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